Forum Discussion
Apr 16, 2022Brass Contributor
Save as
Hi. I need little help with a VBA code to save a document as a .doc(x) with the first line of the document as the title. The document is originally a .txt file with a number as a name. ei: 563.txt.
Thanks in advance, Josh Waldner
- Use:
Dim fname As String
Selection.HomeKey wdStory
With ActiveDocument
fname = LTrim(Mid(.Bookmarks("\line").Range.Text, 3))
fname = Replace(fname, ",", "")
fname = Replace(fname, ".", "")
fname = Replace(fname, "?", "")
fname = Replace(fname, "!", "")
.SaveAs2 fname & ".docx"
End With
Josh_Waldner Use:
Selection.HomeKey wdStory
With ActiveDocument
.SaveAs2 .Bookmarks("\line").Range.Text & ".docx"
End WithYou will need to make sure that the first line of the document does not contain and characters that cannot be used in a filename.
- Josh_WaldnerBrass Contributor
thanks. you did answer my question, but how about taking the first line of the first paragraph and copy it as an independent line at the beginning, and strip off all nonalphabetical characters. please see attached image.
- Does the first line always start with a numeral, followed by a period as in the
1. Den Hirten, die bei Nacht,
and you want to reduce that to
Den Hirten die bei Nacht