Forum Discussion
need to fix a problem when applying a style to a selected paragraph !!!
Hello Mohamed_1995 ,
This is a frequent misconception that users have "I want change paragraph formatting so I need to select the text."
This is untrue, especially with styles that are "linked" - meaning the style can be used to style paragraphs as well as characters.
To change or style a paragraph just make it "active" by placing the cursor in it, that's all that needs to be done.
Simply place a cursor within the paragraph, meaning don't select any characters, and apply the style. As soon as you select characters you are telling Word "this selection is what I want you to change".
To apply a style to multiple paragraphs, then you select the paragraphs.
- Mohamed_1995Jun 29, 2021Copper Contributor
Lenka_Kerumova When I do this method, it changes all the pages and it goes wrong
- Lenka_KerumovaJun 30, 2021Iron Contributor
Hello Mohamed_1995 ,
if it does as you say, than your paragraphs are NOT paragraphs.
Your lines are most likely ended by a line-break, hence making your document one huge paragraph.
A paragraph begins by first character after a paragraph mark, and ends with a paragraph mark -
A single line with text is not a paragraph if it doesn't end with a paragraph mark.
Check your document.
- Mohamed_1995Jul 02, 2021Copper Contributor
Lenka_Kerumova so, how can I break the huge paragraph to small ones?