Forum Discussion
MS Word 2013 Watermark appears only when editing headers of footers
The watermark feature was working fine with Word 2013 until recently, although I cannot say when it started to fail.
I noticed that any watermark I add to a document or template only shows in the page area when I open a header or footer.
The problem occurs whether I create a watermark while editing the page, a header, or a footer.
I opened in Word 2019 one of the files that does not show the watermark in Word 2013 and it worked fine there.
I verified that all the settings in Options for Word 2013 are the same a those in Word 2019.
I also ran the online office repair, but the problem persists.
What else can I look into to solve this issue?
In Word, any watermark is an object which is anchored to the page header.
Do you see the watermark in the preview at File > Print?
- Oscard_3131Copper Contributor
Stefan_Blom, thanks for the response.
To answer your question, yes, the watermark does appear also when in print preview.Before yesterday, I used the watermark several times when editing similar documents to differentiate between them.
Moreover, this problem is affecting other docs and templates that already had the watermark working correctly.
This problem seems to affect my copy of Word 2013 only because my two Word 2019 copies on two different PCS open the same documents and they show the watermark normally.
I wonder whether there is a settings file that resides somewhere in the affected PC that the online repair did not modify.
Any help would be appreciated.
When you are working with the document, ensure that you are in Print Layout view.
If headers and footers are missing in that view, enable the option to show white space between pages at File > Options > Display: