Forum Discussion

JohnnyR32's avatar
Copper Contributor
Dec 19, 2023

List Formatting Issue

Good afternoon, 


I have been experiencing this issue for several months now and was referred to this website by the Microsoft Technical Support team, which I learned, does not handle issues like this. 


When I create a list, either numbered or bulleted from existing text, the feature does not number all of the text, but is rather "selective."  For example, if I wanted to number the following:






I would highlight all three and select any list feature (number, bullet, etc.).  My problem is that it comes out looking like this:


   1. Mallard 


   2. Woodie


It has skipped over several items in my list(s) for months now.  And even worse, if I backspace "Pintail" to the "Mallard" line, it clears the numbering format on both and ends up looking like this:




   3. Woodie


I am at a loss and cannot figure it out. I have tried everything from individually highlighting each line and selecting "continue numbering"  to resetting the formatting on the entire document.  No luck.  


Any help would be appreciated.  I apologize if this is too long or if the question formatting is not right (go figure).  It is my first inquiry.  






