Forum Discussion
May 20, 2020Copper Contributor
Horizontal pages in Word
I have some horizontal pages in my master thesis which is cut when converting the file to a PDF. What can I do?
- Colleen KayterBrass Contributor
Page orientation is specified in the sections container (if you think of Word like nested bowls - characters > sentences > paragraphs > headings > pages > sections > document).
You'll need to create two section breaks for each horizontal page to be inserted.
- Turn on paragraph mark display - you'll want to see all those hidden formatting characters while you're doing this.
- Go to the end of the page preceding your would-be landscaped page.
- Select the page break by clicking in the margin to the left of it.
- Go to Layout Ribbon. Click Breaks drop list (in the Page Setup Section).
- Select Section Breaks > Next Page.
- Scroll down to the page break below the page you want to orient landscape.
- Repeat Steps 3-5.
- Click any where in the page to be landscaped.
- Change the orientation to Landscape (Layout Ribbon > Page Setup Section > Orientation).
Word of warning… the headers and footers are going to be reoriented as well.
If the content is something you've scanned or can be saved as a PDF (such as an Excel spreadsheet), open it in Adobe Acrobat Reader or Pro (both will do this trick). Open the landscaped file in Acrobat, right click on the page and Rotate Right, then Save.Now go to your Word file, to the Insert Ribbon > Text Section (near right end) > Object (last icon in right column if you're on a laptop). Go to From File tab, navigate to your reoriented PDF, and insert it sideways. This will preserve the position of the headers and footers at the top and bottom of all pages of your thesis.
Good luck!