Forum Discussion

Al355andro's avatar
Copper Contributor
Apr 04, 2021

emf figures blurred/unusable in Mac Word

Dear All,


A colleague has emailed me a docx file in which he has embedded some nice emf files. He is a Windows user and has the latest version of Word installed.

I can clearly see the emf figures if I open the Word file directly from the Outlook Web (although they appear as raster, not vectorised). Unfortunately, the figures become completely blurred (very low resolution, completely unusable) if I open the Word file using Mac Word (v. 16.47).


This is really puzzling me as Word for Mac Help has emf among the "graphic file types that you can insert in Office documents". To be fair, it doesn't say that they are properly shown... 


Any idea why this is happening?


I understand why my colleague is using emf for his vectorised figures, but this makes the collaborative work very difficult.




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