Forum Discussion
Feb 18, 2024Copper Contributor
cant delete an extra page
Hi I am translating a document in Word that originally was a PDF created by someone else. The original Word doc has been lost. Anyway, the doc is 12 pages long and there is an extra blank page at the end. When I try to delete it, the previous content on two pages is deleted as well. it seems to have some lock or anchor to the last page.
Does anyone know how I can fix this?
- Lenka_KerumovaIron ContributorMy best guess is that while the document was OCR'd, the text had been inserted to a text box rather than as a plain text (which is often the case). Switch all non-printing characters on, table gridlines on, or hit Alt+F10 to see if there are any objects, and move the text from within the boxes to a plain paragraph. See if that helps to get rid of the extra page.
EWC_Ningbo If you upload a copy of the document, we can investigate the issue and let you know how to delete that page alone.