Forum Discussion

Joe Raymond's avatar
Joe Raymond
Copper Contributor
Jan 29, 2018

WSUS Server Setup

I need to build a series of Windows 10 systems for a client. Our internet connection is only available via WiFi and with that only 12-18 MBps on a GREAT day.


I've scoured the net for suggestions on setup and configuration and haven't really found much...we want to implement a WSUS server so we can do the Windows Updates locally instead of saturating the Internet connection for every round of systems built.


I also have some 2012 R2 servers that need to be occasionally built and would LOVE to be able to use the WSUS to get updates from.


My problem is I don't want to create issues when I ship the equipment out to the final locations. I worked on it today for a few hours...once I setup a Group Policy and did a gpupdate /force on the Win10 system after the reboot it couldn't fine my NAS which is configured in the client's software automatically from their login registration. I had to back out and delete the Group Policy and reset the gpudate on the Win10 system and when it rebooted it came back normally.


We aren't looking for everything from here...just what I need to tell someone we hire to help get this set up. These systems go into a shop with individual, unique DC's which aren't "really" working as fully fledged Domain Controllers. It runs software for communication back to HQ and does software downloads from there as needed. The machines are really working as a "workgroup"...and only in bigger corporate locations are they setup and joining a "domain". I don't have access to these systems easily once they resetting stuff remotely isn't an ideal solution.


Ideas? Questions? It's creating bottlenecks and I need a path to go down to resolve it.



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