Forum Discussion

Karl-WE's avatar
Dec 03, 2021

Windows Server vNext Feature on Demand

Hi Mary Hoffman glad to hear from you and the Windows Server Insider team again. 

For this round of previewing the Windows Server, do you think it is possible to have more verbose change log / tracking as we had with Windows Server 2022 LTSC?

Also I personally would like to understand what's next with Feature on Demand for Windows Server Core installation options.

In the field we miss the following features and do not see action in FoD in terms of features nor documentation.

Some new feature ideas for FoD that are important in specific scenarios:

SQL Server installation with GUI has only one regression
- Installing SQL Server with command line is very user unfriendly. The option to allow GUIonWindowsServerCore is class. 

While you can change all paths, the TEMP DB Path cannot be changed as it has no txt field but add / remove button that would spawn explorer, which is missing on Server Core.

Certainly if the SQL Server team would change the setup this would be better than thinking about FoD.

SQL server configuration MMC
Managing protocols isn't very transparent, especially if you have several instances on a box. SQL Server MMC does not work.

dcomcnfg is missing for some special requirements on IIS or SQL servers. there is a way to do this but very complicated. 

dsregcmd is missing to join Server Core to Azure. You can install Edge Chromium but not join Azure AD. 

When Server Core is able to join Azure AD this also limit the abilities of lift and shift to Azure VM. Currently the design is to use Azure ARC and deploy MMA agent for everything connected to Azure.

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