Forum Discussion
Mary Hoffman
Jun 29, 2021Windows Server preview builds on hold temporarily
Hello Windows Insiders!
The last Insider build 20344 has been taken down from the Windows Server Insider Preview download page and Insider builds are now temporarily on hold while we gear up for the next development cycle. We encourage you to continue validating Windows Server 2022 build 20348 which is available at these locations:
- Microsoft Evaluation Center - free
- Visual Studio Subscriptions - available with your paid subscription
- Microsoft Server Operating Systems Preview offer in Azure - you must be a registered Windows Insider in order to create and use virtual machine images from the Azure Preview, and have a valid Azure subscription.
Please continue to provide feedback!
The most important part of a frequent release cycle is to hear what's working and what needs to be improved, so your feedback is extremely valued. For Windows Server, use your registered Windows 10 Insider device and use the Feedback Hub application. In the app, choose the Windows Server category and then the appropriate subcategory for your feedback. In the title of the Feedback, please indicate the build number you are providing feedback on as shown below:
[Server #####] Title of my feedback
See Share Feedback on Windows Server via Feedback Hub for specifics. We also encourage you to visit the Windows Server Insiders space on the Microsoft Tech Communities forum to collaborate, share and learn from experts.
Diagnostic and Usage Information
Microsoft collects this information over the internet to help keep Windows secure and up to date, troubleshoot problems, and make product improvements. Microsoft server operating systems can be configured to turn diagnostic data off, send Required diagnostic data, or send Optional diagnostic data. During previews, Microsoft asks that you change the default setting to Optional in order to provide the best automatic feedback and help us improve the final product.
Administrators can change the level of information collection through Settings. For details, see Also see the Microsoft Privacy Statement.
Terms of Use
This is pre-release software - it is provided for use "as-is" and is not supported in production environments. Users are responsible for installing any updates made available from Windows Update. All pre-release software made available to you via the Windows Server Insider program is governed by the Insider Terms of Use.