Forum Discussion

Karl-WE's avatar
Apr 21, 2024

b26085 - Windows Server 2025 Domain Controller fail to deploy via DSC

Hi there,
I am trying to deploy mslab using Windows Server 2025 preview VM using Windows Server 2025 OS as a Hyper-V platform.

I believe Jaromir as maintainer of mslab opened an SR. In result he updated the code, plus PS DSC Modules. edit: this issue is unrelated to the running SR.

Still the deployment of the domain controller template will fail during first boot.
This is not specific to b26085, this one is troubling for since WS2025 insider, so it never worked with this branch.


Repro steps

  • Install Windows Server 2025 b26085.1 on a physical machine and enable Hyper-V
  • Download and extract mslab
  • run the mslab scripts in order
    > select Windows Server 2025 ISO b26085 (WS 2022 ISO will work)
    > skip the MSU dialogue

Domain Controller VM gets created from parent disk image
First boot will fail with following error



         Creating DC VM                                                                                                          Applying Unattend and copying Powershell DSC Modules                                                                                                                                                                                   PSPath            : Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\FileSystem::J:\mslab_v24.04.1\Temp\MountDir                               PSParentPath      : Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\FileSystem::J:\mslab_v24.04.1\Temp                                        PSChildName       : MountDir
PSDrive           : J
PSProvider        : Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\FileSystem
PSIsContainer     : True
Name              : MountDir
FullName          : J:\mslab_v24.04.1\Temp\MountDir
Parent            : Temp
Exists            : True
Root              : J:\
Extension         :
CreationTime      : 21.04.2024 13:20:16
CreationTimeUtc   : 21.04.2024 11:20:16
LastAccessTime    : 21.04.2024 13:20:16
LastAccessTimeUtc : 21.04.2024 11:20:16
LastWriteTime     : 21.04.2024 13:20:16
LastWriteTimeUtc  : 21.04.2024 11:20:16
Attributes        : Directory
Mode              : d-----
BaseName          : MountDir
Target            : {}
LinkType          :

Path   : J:\mslab_v24.04.1\Temp\MountDir
Online : False

Path   : J:\mslab_v24.04.1\Temp\MountDir
Online : False

PSPath            : Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\FileSystem::J:\mslab_v24.04.1\Temp\MountDir\Windows\Panther
PSParentPath      : Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\FileSystem::J:\mslab_v24.04.1\Temp\MountDir\Windows
PSChildName       : Panther
PSDrive           : J
PSProvider        : Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\FileSystem
PSIsContainer     : True
Name              : Panther
FullName          : J:\mslab_v24.04.1\Temp\MountDir\Windows\Panther
Parent            : Windows
Exists            : True
Root              : J:\                                                                                                 Extension         :                                                                                                     CreationTime      : 21.04.2024 13:20:22                                                                                 CreationTimeUtc   : 21.04.2024 11:20:22                                                                                 LastAccessTime    : 21.04.2024 13:20:22                                                                                 LastAccessTimeUtc : 21.04.2024 11:20:22
LastWriteTime     : 21.04.2024 13:20:22                                                                                 LastWriteTimeUtc  : 21.04.2024 11:20:22                                                                                 Attributes        : Directory                                                                                           Mode              : d-----                                                                                              BaseName          : Panther                                                                                             Target            : {J:\Windows\Panther}
LinkType          :

         Creating DSC Configs for DC

LastWriteTime : 21.04.2024 13:20:23
Length        : 1206
Name          : DC.meta.mof

LastWriteTime : 21.04.2024 13:20:25
Length        : 32600
Name          : DC.mof

         Copying DSC configurations (pending.mof and metaconfig.mof)
         Applying changes to VHD

LogPath          : C:\WINDOWS\Logs\DISM\dism.log
ScratchDirectory :
LogLevel         : WarningsInfo

         Starting DC
         Configuring DC using DSC takes a while.
                 Initial configuration in progress. Sleeping 250 seconds




What could be reasons it keeps failing?
We have no clue / pointers and imho it would be expected and necessary that mslab works with WS2025, despite being preview, too.

Who at Microsoft could afford time to repro and looking into that?

As mslab is also used by Microsoft, I hope anyone could spare time to investigate (with Jaromir and/or me). I personally can spare time for that investigation.

Thank you very much in advance!

  • For the benefit of the community - we confirmed that Preview build 26296 has the fixes for this issue. You can use 26296 as a guest OS in MSLab and you should not encounter the issues described in this thread. Several of us have tested this image to confirm. The fixes should reach the production version of Windows Server 2025 in approximately another month, considering the usual deployment schedule.

    Many thanks to Karl-WE for being a great partner and helping us to debug this!
  • After further investigations, what makes the difference here, is the Hyper-V host OS.
    If this is WS2025 then the DSC config will fail to apply for the domain controller VM.
    • MSBernstein's avatar
      Icon for Microsoft rankMicrosoft
      Hi, Karl,
      Have you logged an issue with MSLab on this?

      And did you disable dyanmic memory, per the discussion in

      Also, if you are getting the error, "Windows could not configure one or more system components", we should collect these folders and figure out how to share them to me:
      I think we can start with these three folders:

      They will have useful logging information.

      I am attempting to reproduce this on my side, but I'd rather get the diagnostic data you have already.

      • Karl-WE's avatar

        MSBernstein Thank you for taking the time looking into this.

        The DC VM created by "2_CreateParentDisks.ps1 will have the dynamic memory settings enabled and they are matching the requirements now of #580
        Startup: 2048 MB
        Min: 2048 MB

        I have done the following today: 
        - clean install of WS 2025 b26085 for Host OS
        - Install-WindowsFeature Hyper-v -IncludeManagementTools -Restart
        - started with an new mslab folder
        - The error message still appears some seconds after the first reboot of VM DC (WS2025 b26085).

        How can I connect to the folders of the VM to collect the logs?
        Enter-PSSession (PowerShell Direct) to the VM will fail to authenticate via WinRM even when setting trusted host.

        Will repeat and mounting the vhdx to the Host OS.

        What's notable: If I do not connect to the VM but watch the process via the Hyper-V preview window, I am seeing the error message and at the same time notice that the CPU load on the VM changes and after a while ~ 4-5 mins the process continues despite the message.


        At this point
        - turned off the VM, as the configuration process appears to stall
        - mounted the VHDX 
        - the $Windows.~BT folders don't exist (hidden files enabled)
        - Attached Windows\Panther, as requested

        Repeated the process and immediately stopped the VM when the error message appeared after the first reboot. again no ~BT folders.
        windows\logs\dism, this might provide some insights what the DSC was about to configure. 

        windows\panther, as requested.

        If required, I could also provide the exported VMs. They won't boot by-design as we have terminated the setup phase, so just for accessing more files / logs.

        Hope this is helpful.

  • repeating the same with a different release like Windows Server 2022, the initial DSC configuration won't cause any issues.

    When this issue was reported back in the days, the problem was a bit different.
    Back then using WS2025 ISO, the DSC config worked and then the DC failed to boot when being imported as Hyper-V VM from the DC template VHDX. So clearly, now this process fails much earlier, so I cannot rate if the initially reported issue still exist.

    Example of DC creation with WS2022 ISO instead of WS2025



    LastWriteTime : 21.04.2024 13:20:25
    Length        : 32600
    Name          : DC.mof
             Copying DSC configurations (pending.mof and metaconfig.mof)
             Applying changes to VHD
    LogPath          : C:\WINDOWS\Logs\DISM\dism.log
    ScratchDirectory :
    LogLevel         : WarningsInfo
             Starting DC
             Configuring DC using DSC takes a while.
                     Initial configuration in progress. Sleeping 250 seconds
                     Configuration in Progress. Sleeping 10 seconds
                     Configuration in Progress. Sleeping 10 seconds
                     Configuration in Progress. Sleeping 10 seconds
                     Configuration in Progress. Sleeping 10 seconds
                     Configuration in Progress. Sleeping 10 seconds
                     Configuration in Progress. Sleeping 10 seconds
                     Configuration in Progress. Sleeping 10 seconds
                     Configuration in Progress. Sleeping 10 seconds
                     Configuration in Progress. Sleeping 10 seconds
                     Configuration in Progress. Sleeping 10 seconds
                     Configuration in Progress. Sleeping 10 seconds
                     Configuration in Progress. Sleeping 10 seconds
                     Configuration in Progress. Sleeping 10 seconds
                     Configuration in Progress. Sleeping 10 seconds
                     Configuration in Progress. Sleeping 10 seconds
                     Configuration in Progress. Sleeping 10 seconds
                     Configuration in Progress. Sleeping 10 seconds
                     Configuration in Progress. Sleeping 10 seconds
                     Configuration in Progress. Sleeping 10 seconds
                     Configuration in Progress. Sleeping 10 seconds
                     Configuration in Progress. Sleeping 10 seconds
                     Configuration in Progress. Sleeping 10 seconds
                     Configuration in Progress. Sleeping 10 seconds
                     Configuration in Progress. Sleeping 10 seconds




