Forum Discussion
b25110 Settings App / USOClient will retain pending updates and update history after IPU from WS2022
Anyone else seeing that these updates are stuck in this state and won't get installed?
actually when you select the extra update below it throws an error code
- Radu IlieBrass ContributorOn my installation on Windows Server vNext, those updates are completely absent, only the Microsoft Defender definition update comes. Is this an in-place upgrade from Windows Server 2022 RTM or did I go it wrong? If so, I guess all updates should have been installed before the upgrade. I remember that, when upgrading from build to build on Windows Server vNext, and pending updates like Microsoft Defender Definitions were not installed before the upgrade, they were still shown on Windows Update after the upgrade. This could have been fixed by a simple new update check.
- Hi Radu, yes as described this is an IPU from WS2022 release to the specified build. That's why I reported it, as it is so strange it would retain these information.
- abbodi1406Steel Contributor
If you would like to clear the cache (reboot might be needed afterwards)
run via admin cmd
powershell -nop -ep bypass -c "Get-WindowsUpdateLog -LogPath %temp%\temp.log -ForceFlush -Confirm:$False -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue" @wmic service usosvc call StopService @wmic service wuauserv call StopService @del /f /q "%WinDir%\Logs\WindowsUpdate\*" @del /f /q "%ProgramData%\USOPrivate\UpdateStore\*" @del /s /f /q "%ProgramData%\USOShared\Logs\*" @rd /s /q "%ProgramFiles%\UNP" @wmic service wuauserv call StartService @wmic service usosvc call StartService @UsoClient.exe RefreshSettings
Thanks for your help abbodi1406. I will transform this into a full PS script. There is always something to learn from you about servicing 🙂 While I always wondered why USO is so mystical and does not talk with sconfig or WU, interesting to learn it hold its own logs and update store, instead / in addition to softwaredistribution.
The KB5012637 was also listed in optional updates. Clicked on install there it just disappeared now it is also gone on the main update list.
I could now install the Defender update (reportingly) but other still stuckSeems those are "cached" update entries in USOClient from the WS 2022 release. Never seen this would survive an in-place upgrade.
get-hotfix gives nothing.Also the update history is retained after the IPU from WS2022 release to this Insider build.