Forum Discussion

AB21805's avatar
Bronze Contributor
May 13, 2020

How to see who is a member of schema admin and how to add a member in

Hi All, 


Im currently trying to install Sccm and need to link my SCCM server to DC but due to me getting the below error I cant go any further. 



Im currently on the Administrator account but it seems that I still need to put this account in the Schema admin group. 


I cant seem to access this group I cant see it in Users or anywhere - When I search for the account I have to search the Entire directory but then cant access the properties? 


How do I add a user or even the admin account into this group so I can carry on doing the necessary step to install SCCM?  


I get this message



Please help! and thanks in advance!

  • Gurjinderpal_06's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    Please go to ADUC, select entire directory and then add members into it.


    There is only one schema admin group in AD and its in the root domain hence you cannot search it while selecting the child domains.


    Hope this clarifies.AB21805 

    • AB21805's avatar
      Bronze Contributor

      Hi Gurjinderpal_06 , 


      Thanks for this! Where is entire directory? - only way I see entire directory is when I right click and do a search for a ie computer or user


      Sorry for the simple question but Im pretty new with DC 


      Thanks in advance

      • Thanks for this! Where is entire directory? - only way I see entire directory is when I right click and do a search for a ie computer or user


        From cmd.exe (on domain controller) run dsa.msc then in Users branch find Schema Admins, double-click it, then Members tab, add the user.


         (please don't forget to mark helpful replies)




  • You can check current members

    Get-ADGroupMember -Identity "Schema Admins" -Recursive


    and add to group here.



     (please don't forget to mark helpful replies)




    • AB21805's avatar
      Bronze Contributor

      Hi Dave Patrick ,



      Get-ADGroupMember -Identity "Schema Admins" -Recursive

       didnt work the error i got is 




      And with adding the group for me Schema admin isn't in the user section, the only way I can see it is if I search for it and using "entire directory"


      Thanks for the reply 

      • 1.) You may need to 

        import-module activedirectory

         2.) Try looking on the domain controller in ADUC



