Forum Discussion
Slow virtual desktop switching on windows 11
Hello Everyone. As of Nov 5 2022, there is no OFFICIAL solution to slow touchpad desktop switching. However, I do have a solution THAT WORKS.
1) Set accent colour to manual, as suggested by artistro08
2) Now, what i noticed is, the keyboard shortcut for switching desktops is SO FAST AND SEEMLESS. So I have configured my touchpad settings as below:
a) Search "Touchpad settings > Advanced Gestures > Configure four-finger gestures".
b) Find "Swipe Left" and from drop down menu, select " Custom Shortcut".
c) Click "Start Recording" and click Ctrl + Win + Right Arrow Key.
d) Click "Stop Recording".
e) Now try and SEE THE SPEED!!!
f) For , Swipe Right, again do a similar procedure, but click Ctrl + Win + Left Arrow key.
g) DONE !! Enjoy!!
. THIS WORKS !!!! Do share if it helps :">