Forum Discussion
Slow virtual desktop switching on windows 11
Hello Everyone. As of Nov 5 2022, there is no OFFICIAL solution to slow touchpad desktop switching. However, I do have a solution THAT WORKS.
1) Set accent colour to manual, as suggested by artistro08
2) Now, what i noticed is, the keyboard shortcut for switching desktops is SO FAST AND SEEMLESS. So I have configured my touchpad settings as below:
a) Search "Touchpad settings > Advanced Gestures > Configure four-finger gestures".
b) Find "Swipe Left" and from drop down menu, select " Custom Shortcut".
c) Click "Start Recording" and click Ctrl + Win + Right Arrow Key.
d) Click "Stop Recording".
e) Now try and SEE THE SPEED!!!
f) For , Swipe Right, again do a similar procedure, but click Ctrl + Win + Left Arrow key.
g) DONE !! Enjoy!!
. THIS WORKS !!!! Do share if it helps :">
I had the same problem on Windows 11, and I realized that the reason was that I had different Bing wallpapers on different desktops. I fixed this problem by going into Settings >> Personalization >> Background >> Recent images >> right-click on one of the images >> Click "Set for all desktops". After that, the desktop switching was finally back to normal.
- thamudiJan 11, 2023Copper ContributorThis seems like a solution for now.
- WiikendNov 15, 2023Copper ContributorI came here to post exactly this. I noticed switching between virtual desktops got slow just after I had set separate wallpapers on all 3 of my VDs, and as soon as I put the same wallpaper on all 3, the problem was gone. I would not advise having separate wallpapers on multiple VDs for this reason at this point. If anyone notices that this problem does not occur anymore in the future, feel free to let me know. 🙂