Forum Discussion

MeganHarris's avatar
Copper Contributor
Jul 11, 2024

How do I burn an ISO image to USB and make it bootable?

I recently tried to make a bootable USB, but ran into some problems. I had an ISO file and originally wanted to directly copy ISO to USB drive, but then I found that the USB would not be bootable on my PC. I knew that I must have done something wrong, and that I might need special steps to make a bootable disk. Does anyone know the correct method or recommend some useful tools to correctly burn ISO image to a USB on Windows 10? If you have experience, please share it, I really need help, thank you!

  • Willingham's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    Tried a few free apps including the official tool but none of them worked in my case. The USB is not recognized by my computer. The ISO is Windows 11 24H2, the latest one from Microsoft. Fortunately, I saw LucasRomero suggestion from this thread and it worked perfectly. I made two bootable USBs (the same USB drives) with this tool and no problem at all. Thanks for the tip, Lucas!

  • LucasRomero's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    I copied the ISO file directly to the USB before, but found that the USB could not be started. Later, I used a tool called WonderISO, which is specially used to make a bootable USB. Select the ISO file and USB driver, and the program will automatically complete the other steps. It is super convenient.

    I followed this guide:

    Try this tool, I hope it can help you!


    • ScottWelker's avatar
      Copper Contributor

      As far as I can (quickly) tell, WonderISO "try it free" doesn't permit you to burn the image. A license is apparently required. So far BrianScott's recommendation below seems promising - on Windows 11 where the tools available seem to ONLY enable you to burn an Windows 11 ISO. I know there are tool, they just don't seem to work.

  • TeoTeoo's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    It is possible to burn an ISO image to USB using the diskpart command line tool. But it takes a certain level of comfort with the command line and a willingness to take calculated risks. If you're not familiar with diskpart or command-line operations, it can be intimidating and error-prone.

    And there's a risk of erasing the wrong drive or corrupting the USB drive during the process. This can lead to lost data or a non-functional USB drive. While you did learn a lot, the process can be lengthy and requires attention to detail. It's not a one-click solution, and you'll need to carefully follow instructions and monitor the progress.

  • BrianScott's avatar
    Copper Contributor


    I actually have an experience to share. I was burning an ISO to USB to reinstall an operating system. Since I heard that diskpart gives more control, I decided to give this command line tool a try.


    Before you start, make sure you back up all important files on the USB, because diskpart will erase all data. Then, follow these steps:


    Open the command prompt: Run as administrator, you can type "cmd" in the search bar, then right-click and select "Run as administrator".

    1. Launch diskpart: Type diskpart in the command prompt window and press enter.
    2. List the disk: Type list disk in the diskpart prompt and find the number of my USB device in the list.
    3. Select the target disk: Type select disk # (where # is the number of the USB disk).
    4. Erase the USB: Type clean, which will delete all partition information on the USB.
    5. Create a partition: Type create partition primary to create a new primary partition.
    6. Select the partition: Type select partition 1.
    7. Format: Enter format fs=ntfs quick to select NTFS file system for quick formatting.
    8. Activate partition: Enter active to make the partition bootable.
    9. Exit: Enter exit to exit diskpart.

    After completing these steps, you need to manually extract the contents of the ISO file to the USB drive. I did this manually using a file browser, as diskpart doesn't handle file copying.


    More infor about diskpart:


    Although the process was a bit complicated and I was quite nervous (I was afraid of selecting the wrong disk), I was able to successfully burn ISO to USB on Windows 10.


  • ChristianGarcia's avatar
    Copper Contributor


    I once tried to automate the process of burning ISO image to USB using PowerShell scripts. I first found some basic PowerShell script examples online and modified them slightly to suit my needs. It was actually quite simple, mainly automating some repetitive steps through the script, such as mounting ISO, copying files to USB, etc.


    I remember that after I debugged the script, I only needed to run it once, and it would automatically handle the entire process. However, I encountered some minor issues with permissions and script compatibility at the beginning, and I had to test and modify it several times before it succeeded.


    Below is the script I wrote, sharing it with you!


    # Identify the target USB drive (ensure correct drive letter)
    $usbDrive = "D:"

    # Format the USB drive
    Format-Volume -DriveLetter $usbDrive.Trim(":") -FileSystem NTFS -Confirm:$false

    # Mount the ISO file
    $isoPath = "C:\path\to\your\iso\file.iso"
    $mountResult = Mount-DiskImage -ImagePath $isoPath -PassThru
    $volumeInfo = $mountResult | Get-Volume

    # Copy files to the USB
    $isoDriveLetter = $volumeInfo.DriveLetter
    xcopy "$($isoDriveLetter):\*" "$usbDrive\" /s /e

    # Clean up: Unmount the ISO
    Dismount-DiskImage -ImagePath $isoPath

    Save the above script as a .ps1 file, such as CreateBootableUSB.ps1.  Navigate to the directory where the script is located in PowerShell and run it!


    • EdvaldoGuimaraes's avatar
      Copper Contributor
      Christian, I didi some improvement in your beaultiful script
      Write-Host("Voce Digitou $usbDrive confirma?")
      Write-Host("Formatando Unidade $usbDrive")
      Format-Volume -DriveLetter $usbDrive.Trim(":") -FileSystem NTFS -Confirm:$false
      $isoPath = Read-Host("Digite o caminho da ISO")
      Write-Host("Voce Digitou $isoPath confirma?")
      Write-Host("Montando Unidade")
      $mountResult = Mount-DiskImage -ImagePath $isoPath -PassThru
      $volumeInfo = $mountResult | Get-Volume
      $isoDriveLetter = $volumeInfo.DriveLetter
      xcopy "$($isoDriveLetter):\*" "$usbDrive\" /s /e
      Dismount-DiskImage -ImagePath $isoPath
    • MeganHarris's avatar
      Copper Contributor
      Thank you for your reply, but PowerShell scripts are too professional to try. I am not very proficient in this area! Is there any simple way to write or burn ISO to USB without using command line? In addition, how can I become a technical expert like you?
  • Soulougue's avatar
    Copper Contributor
    When you burn an ISO to a USB drive, you're essentially erasing everything on that drive. If it's not empty, you risk losing important files, documents, or even crucial system files. So, make sure you backup your data before proceeding!
  • EddieNashb's avatar
    Copper Contributor
    Don't use the Windows Media Creation Tool from Microsoft. The downloading and writing speed to USB drive is too slow!!! You could wait hours to get is done. In addition, the USB is not see as a bootable device on old compueters with legacy BIOS.
    • MeganHarris's avatar
      Copper Contributor
      I know Windows Media Creation Tool, and I also tried it, but it failed to identify my USB drive, that's why I seek for another solution to write my Window 10 ISO to USB. Any suggestion?
      • RandyC3po's avatar
        Copper Contributor
        You need to make sure that you're putting it into the right format if you're using a flash drive it needs to be in the Fat32 format
  • JoshuaWalker's avatar
    Copper Contributor


    I needed to burn ISO to USB to install Windows 11 and decided to try to do it manually using the diskpart command line tool. It was a real pain in the **bleep** but I also learned a lot.


    First of all, it takes a bit of guts to open the command prompt to do this because you can easily erase the wrong drive. I remember being very careful at first and following the instructions online: list all disks, then select my USB drive, erase all data, create a new partition, format it, and finally activate the partition to make it bootable.


    The next step was to extract the ISO file to the USB, which was a relatively simple step of dragging the file over. But I later discovered that simply copying the file was not enough because the necessary boot code was not written to the boot portion of the USB.  


    Although it worked in the end and the computer booted from the USB to the installation interface, I feel that if you don't really need to understand the low-level operation, it is more worry-free and labor-saving to use those one-click bootable creation tools.

  • RachelMoore's avatar
    Copper Contributor


    I have tried to copy the ISO file directly to the USB drive before, but found that the USB drive could not boot at all. This is actually because directly copying files does not work, you have to use a special tool to burn the ISO to the USB drive.


    I recommend WonderISO (

    which is very simple and easy to use. You just need to select the ISO file and the target USB drive, and then click "Start", and it will automatically help you make a bootable disk.


    So, don't copy files directly anymore, try using WonderISO, it should be able to help you solve the problem.
