santoshheisnamCopper ContributorFeb 15, 2024can't upgrade to windows 11 insider preview 10.0.26058.1100 (ge_release) error code 0xdx0000034 i am using a surface pro x 1876 model
ogsvxCopper Contributor to DuveralDuveral I selected "pause updates for 1 week", then changed to Canary and pressed "resume updates", and got 26063 immediately.I'm however having the exact same issue with this build, so paused updates again until there's a new build or a workaround available.
ogsvxCopper Contributor to DuveralFeb 25, 2024Settings -> Windows Update -> Insider -> Select your channel.
ogsvxCopper Contributor to DuveralFeb 25, 2024Settings -> Windows Update -> Insider -> Select your channel.