Forum Discussion

cvalingam's avatar
Copper Contributor
Jan 06, 2023

Windows 11 is not recognizing some icons on taskbar


As you can see from the above pic, there are some unrecognized icons showing in the windows 11 taskbar. There are two apps that do not have recognizable icons one was Edge app and the other one was the Chrome app.


It creates confusion when I was working with a lot of apps.


I have tried pinning that unrecognized icon. the first time it worked and the second time no luck.

And also I have tried all the workarounds which were listed in the video but still no luck.


Can anyone help me to fix this issue?

  • VSan86's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    This worked for me with Windows 11 23H2

    * Unpin the app from your taskbar.
    * Search for the shortcut. For example, the start menu
    * Right click and choose "Open File Location"
    * Go to the shortcut and right click and choose "More Options"
    * Choose "Create a Shortcut" make a shortcut to the desktop
    * Go to your desktop and right click on the shortcut and choose "Properties"
    * Choose "Change Icon"
    * Select the icon again or if there are more icons available, choose another one and click ok and ok.
    * Go back and do it again, this time with the right icon.
    * The icon is now set on the desktop.
    * Right click on the shortcut and choose "More Options" and select "Pin to Taskbar"

    For example, I had this with Google Chrome and Chrome has more icons. The icons are recognizable as ICO files.

    For Chrome there is 1 on location AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default

    But Chrome gets the icons from the executable if you see the location in step 7 so you can select it from there.

    Try this. I hope it helps

  • Little_Joe's avatar
    Bronze Contributor
    Trying to update your Windows 11 OS with latest Windows Updates then retry it, if you're running with Windows 11 Insider Preview Build then do the same.
    • Rosie444's avatar
      Copper Contributor
      It's not a bad suggestion, but that's one of the first things I tried.
  • Rosie444's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    I had this problem on a brand-new, out of the box computer running Windows 11.  However, the problem didn't affect all apps.  It *only* affected apps that were stored in the WindowsApps folder.  When I tried to pin these to the taskbar, the icon was blank.  Clicking the blank space would launch the app, but that was hardly ideal.


    I went through all the recommended fixes that assumed the problem was something to do with my computer - rebuilding the icon cache, running DISM and SFC /scannow, etc.  As far as I can tell, the computer is fine.


    In the end, my solution was to write a VBS script to launch the app, create a shortcut to the VBS script with an appropriate icon and then pin the shortcut to the taskbar.  Sounds a bit Rube Goldberg, but it works beautifully.


    For example, here are the contents of stickynotes.vbs :


    Dim WshShell: Set WshShell = CreateObject ("WScript.Shell") "shell:appsfolder\Microsoft.MicrosoftStickyNotes_8wekyb3d8bbwe!App"


    I can't take credit for writing that.  It's from


    The target of the shortcut is:

    C:\Windows\System32\wscript.exe "C:\Users\[my username]\AppData\stickynotes.vbs"


    Note that I chose to save the script and its shortcut in my AppData file, but really, you can save them anywhere.  I found a nice icon online to use for the shortcut and saved that in the AppData file as well.


    Here are the contents of snippingtool.vbs :


    Dim WshShell: Set WshShell = CreateObject ("WScript.Shell") "shell:appsfolder\Microsoft.ScreenSketch_8wekyb3d8bbwe!App"


    I got the location of the snipping tool by googling "Windows snipping tool executable location"  Obviously this should work with any app you like.  🙂


    BEFORE YOU DO ALL THIS, check the system32 folder to see if there's an older version of the app there.  For example, my computer arrived with two versions of the calculator on it, calc.exe in the system32 folder and a newer version in the WindowsApps folder.  If you can find an .exe file in the system32 folder then you can pin that to the taskbar directly without creating a .vbs file and shortcut.






  • BigBoz's avatar
    Copper Contributor



    I think I just ran into the same issue. We had just swapped over OneDrive to download files on demand. I noticed this was similar to yours from the screenshot. Once they we're off the device, it broke the shortcut icons. I set desktop to always keep on device then that fixed the icons. Some shortcuts I had to unpin then pin again to fix. Let me know if that fixes your issue.




