Forum Discussion

TormyVanCool's avatar
Copper Contributor
Sep 18, 2022

Small HDMI-to-VGA Adapter make very often crash Windows 11 Pro

It started almost 2 month ago.


I have 3 monitors on my adapter.

1 DisplayPort: 3840 (Main)

1 HDMI: 1920 (Auxiliary)

1 VGA 1920 connected to the GPU via the HDMI-VGA adapter (Auxiliary)


I always worked without issues.

A couple of month ago, that HDMI-to-VGA adapter, started to impede to Windows 11 to boot properly. During the boot, it resets the PC.


I bought it was the adapter, so I bought a new one, but there is no way to make it work.

Each time I just plugin the adapter, the PC resets and restart. But it's not able to complete the boot


I also guessed it was the GPU but connecting a small HDMI monitor directly to the same port where the adapter was connected, everything works fine. Hence: it's not the GPU

here below the type of adapter I use. 

  • Mousefluff's avatar
    Iron Contributor

    TormyVanCoolIf that doesn't work, you may have to think about removing display drivers manually to get it to boot ( if that is the actual problem you're dealing with )

    list drivers: pnputil -e > <PATH><FILENAME>.txt ( EXAMPLE: pnputil -e > "%UserProfile%\Desktop\driverlist.txt" )
    list drivers: pnputil /enum-drivers > <PATH><FILENAME>.txt ( EXAMPLE: pnputil /enum-drivers > "%UserProfile%\Desktop\driverlist.txt" )
    list drivers: Export-WindowsDriver -Online -Destination <PATH>
    ONLINE -> remove driver: pnputil -f -d oem<NUMBER>.inf
    OFFLINE -> Remove-WindowsDriver -Path <PATH> -Driver <NAME>.inf
    MKDIR "C:\Scrtch"
    REM List All 3rd-Party Drivers on an Offline Windows 10/11 Image
    powershell -noprofile -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command "& {Get-WindowsDriver -Path C:\ -ScratchDirectory C:\Scrtch | Sort ProviderName | Format-Table Driver,ProviderName,ClassName,BootCritical,OriginalFileName -AutoSize | Out-String -Stream}"
    REM Create a UTF-8 Text File That Lists All 3rd-Party Drivers on an Offline Windows 10/11 Image
    powershell -noprofile -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command "& {Set-Content -Path 'C:\Driver_List.txt' -value (Get-WindowsDriver -Path C:\ -ScratchDirectory C:\Scrtch | Sort ProviderName | Format-Table Driver,ProviderName,ClassName,BootCritical,OriginalFileName -AutoSize | Out-String -Stream)}"
    REM Remove a Driver from an Offline Windows 10/11 Image
    powershell -noprofile -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command "& {Remove-WindowsDriver -Driver oem<NUMBER>.inf -Path C:\ -ScratchDirectory C:\Scrtch}"
    REM List All 3rd-Party Drivers on an Online Windows 10/11 Image
    powershell -noprofile -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command "& {Get-WindowsDriver -Online -ScratchDirectory C:\Scrtch | Sort ProviderName | Format-Table Driver,ProviderName,ClassName,BootCritical,OriginalFileName -AutoSize | Out-String -Stream}"
    REM Create a UTF-8 Text File That Lists All 3rd-Party Drivers on an Online Windows 10/11 Image
    powershell -noprofile -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command "& {Set-Content -Path 'C:\Driver_List.txt' -value (Get-WindowsDriver -Online -ScratchDirectory C:\Scrtch | Sort ProviderName | Format-Table Driver,ProviderName,ClassName,BootCritical,OriginalFileName -AutoSize | Out-String -Stream)}"
    RMDIR /S /Q "C:\Scrtch"
    PnPUtil /add-driver * <filename.inf | .inf> [/subdirs] [/install] [/reboot]
    Windows Vista: pnputil -a -i filename.inf
    DIR /B /S <PATH>*.inf > filename.txt
    Microsoft PnP Utility
    pnputil.exe [-f | -i] [ -? | -a | -d | -e ] <INF name>
    pnputil.exe -a a:\usbcam\USBCAM.INF      -> Add package specified by USBCAM.INF
    pnputil.exe -a c:\drivers\*.inf          -> Add all packages in c:\drivers\
    pnputil.exe -i -a a:\usbcam\USBCAM.INF   -> Add and install driver package
    pnputil.exe -e                           -> Enumerate all 3rd party packages
    pnputil.exe -d oem0.inf                  -> Delete package oem0.inf
    pnputil.exe -f -d oem0.inf               -> Force delete package oem0.inf
    pnputil.exe -?                           -> This usage screen
    Rundll32.exe %SystemRoot%\system32\pnpclean.dll,RunDLL_PnpClean /DEVICES /DRIVERS /FILES /MAXCLEAN
    CleanMgr Commands (Remove Old Device Drivers) -> "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\VolumeCaches\Device Driver Packages"
    Automating Disk Cleanup tool in Windows ->
    "Creating a Disk Cleanup Handler" ->


  • Reza_Ameri's avatar
    Silver Contributor
    Does this problem start after you upgrade to the Windows 11?
    Does it display any error message?
    Have you updated your Windows?
