Forum Discussion

ZizoMass's avatar
Copper Contributor
May 12, 2021

Using a PC to process and host another user accessing from another PC by LAN

Summary of my question: How can I make two users use the same computer, one using it directly and the other remotely, independently, but with all the processing being carried out on the host compu...
  • Schnittlauch's avatar
    May 12, 2021

    Hi ZizoMass ,

    let me try to help you.


    I have seen in some high-level organizations where employees' computers are basically just a monitor connected via ethernet to a general server. When connected, the user in question is prompted directly via Windows, and this whole process is carried out on the server.

    I imagine that this approach is similar to the one I want, but I do not know what this type of service is and how it is done.

    I guess you are talking about thin clients. This is a small summary about Thin Clients:


    To use your old PC as "thin client" you need your main PC change to a terminal server.

    Tbh. I wouldn't do that. 


    Still, as far as I know, I can even use Windows 10 pro to have multiple RDP sessions simultaneously, eliminating the need for Windows Server. And no matter who much I searched, I didn't find anything about starting the system remotely directly, without the need to boot on other Windows first.

    It's true to have multiple RDP sessions, but a RDP doesn't help you I guess, since you can just connect onto anothers PC with a small delay.

    So if you want to use RDP you potato PC gets to a even more Potato PC. And since you just get on your Main PC, the main PC is close to unusable for this time because the other one is connected.


    I personal would use the potato PC for something different. Maybe you need your own TeamSpeak Server, own NAS system, Fileshare, maybe you want to make a small "smart home" idk. there a several projects you can do, but I wouldn't make a terminal server.


    I hope I helped you,

    Best regards 


