Forum Discussion

guidovaroli's avatar
Copper Contributor
Apr 02, 2019

TimeStampQPC difference when consuming the same ETW event with 2 different consumers

We have 2 different monitoring applications that receive the same ETW event and seems that the event has a different time stamp.
Our tests are running on a single machine with Windows 10 Enterprise 64 bit, but we have seen the same behavior also on Windows Server 2016.
We are using Framework 4.7.2 and we had verified the behavior using both Microsoft.Diagnostics.Tracing.TraceEvent 2.034 and 2.0.38 packages.
A repro code with 2 simple console application has been posted at where we asked first for information about the behavior.
As Vance Morrison said in comments to the above mentioned post the problem seem to be not on Perfview/Microsoft.Diagnostics.Tracing.TraceEvent layer but may involve Performance Counter handling.

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