Forum Discussion
Select traditional date and time sorting method
Thank you friends Jhon and Orizonbbk, for your collaboration.
I think the query would have been more descriptive if it had been titled "First week of the year", instead of "Sort method".
The problem appeared due to a time-location chart software that I developed in visual, and when I updated the Windows version quite some time ago, it stopped working, as far as the calculation of the first week of the year is concerned.
Previously, apparently, in my Windows (Spain) the Traditional sorting method (default) was applied = the first week of the year is the one that includes January 1, and I had no problems with my software.
Over time, new versions of Windows have included as the default sorting method, the International (ISO 8601) = the first week with the majority (four or more) of its days in the year that begins, that is, the one that includes the first Thursday in the new year, and this is where my problem appeared.
Recently, and after many unsuccessful regional configuration tests (language, date formats, etc.), I have found, fortunately, that in both Windows 10 and Windows 11 you can choose the "Sort Method: Traditional or International" , an option that I don't know since when it is included, but it only appears for certain language formats (not English) such as Spanish from Spain, German, Chinese, Japanese,..., so many users from other countries, perhaps like you, You don't see this Windows option.
It is precisely in: Control Panel > Region > Formats
By the way, also in certain Excel functions such as Microsoft Project, when displaying results by weeks counted from the first of the year, in some cases, they return different values depending on the "Sort Method" of the operating system.
Thank you again for your time, and I am sorry for the annoyance and dizziness of the query that this issue may have caused you, which apparently only affects certain countries.