Forum Discussion

Miranda_Leschke's avatar
Mar 17, 2023

News and Interests is now supported on all taskbar orientations

You may start seeing Windows 10 news & interests on your taskbar.


Starting with the January update Microsoft has begun to roll out support for news and interests on all taskbar orientations. A top, left, or right taskbar will have features and settings much like the bottom taskbar. This change increases inclusivity and provides users flexibility to enable news and interests regardless of their taskbar orientation preference, ensuring no one is left out from all the feature offers. 


Below is a picture of the feature on bottom taskbar orientation, which can be accessed through the weather icon. For more general information about Windows 10 news & interests visit this page: Stay up to date with news and interests - Microsoft Support


To disable the feature, right-click any blank space on the taskbar and select News and interests Turn off. When you turn off news and interests, the weather (entry-point) will no longer appear on your taskbar. To turn on news and interests, right-click a blank space on the taskbar and select News and interests > Show icon and text.


  • Reza_Ameri's avatar
    Silver Contributor
    This is very valuable feature and we have been looking for it.
    Thank you for sharing.
      • Reza_Ameri's avatar
        Silver Contributor
        In the future hope we could have more customizations like for changing locations and adding more options. For example it would be nice if we could add items like flight status, post tracking and so on.
