Forum Discussion
information groups
I have been looking at Windows Analytics, rolled it out to the company desktops. I having problems with the Rules to get the information I require in the format I require, is there any documentation that I have on creating the rules. Is there also any information groups we can be a part of to learn about upcoming upgrades to the tool
- Sandeep DeoMicrosoft
Can you elaborate on what you mean by rules? For the other part of your question to know more on upcoming upgrades to our tool you should subscribe to our Windows Analytics Blog at
- DeletedBy the word rules I mean definitions the can be typed to either sort , view filter the information within OMS. Also that can be used to import into Power-Bi for example: Importance="Low install count" Type=UAApp IsRollup=true RollupLevel=Granular | sort TotalInstalls desc
- Sandeep DeoMicrosoft
To understand general query syntax options you can use when searching for data and filtering expressions to help narrow your search, visit this link
- Deleted
Thank you for you help