1709 Bugs with Outlook 2013 and Skype 2016
We are piloting 1709 currently, have 100 plus clients upgraded via the servicing model....
Outlook Search functionality is greyed out after upgrading to 1709 for about 15% of our 1709 builds. Currently the workaround to fix this is running a repair of Office and this starts the re-indexing process and search is back to normal. Any other customers seeing the same?
Skype 2016 Recordings:
We also see that after the update Skype recording is broken for any content sharing. Audio plays find but when the processing of the recording is done, it finishes with a "Warning, Runtime Error". When we view the file, you hear audio but no content is visible and the recording just states that "No content is being shared..."
We believe this addresses the issue but wanted to see if anyone else is experiencing the above.