Forum Discussion

dragon-fly's avatar
Copper Contributor
Oct 04, 2023

Not receiving online meeting change notifications

Hi, I did the following but I did not receive any online meeting notifications when I started/joined the meeting.

  1. Created an online meeting using the graph api.
  2. Created an online meeting "created,updated" subscription using the graph api (beta).  My notification URL was hit for the token validation and the subscription was created successfully.
  3. When I used the joinWebUrl to join the online meeting from my browser, no change notifications were sent to my notification URL.

How do I debug this issue? Thank you.

  • dragon-fly - 
    We subscribed to /communications/onlineMeetings/?$filter=JoinWebUrl eq '{JoinWebUrl}' resource and when we started meeting, we got notification.
    Could you please try the same and let us know if you still face the issue?

    Change notifications are only supported for call started/ended events and for call roster events, such as a user entering or leaving, according to the documentation:

    • dragon-fly's avatar
      Copper Contributor

      Prasad_Das-MSFT I also subscribed to /communications/onlineMeetings/?$filter=JoinWebUrl eq '{JoinWebUrl}'.

      const onlineMeetingSubscriptionProps = {
        changeType: "created,updated",
        notificationUrl: notificationUrl,
        resource: `/communications/onlineMeetings/?$filter=JoinWebUrl eq '${joinWebUrl}'`,
        includeResourceData: true,
        encryptionCertificate: CERTIFICATE,
        encryptionCertificateId: certificateId,
        expirationDateTime: expirationDateTime,
        clientState: secretClientState,


      Like I said before, both the "create online meeting" and "create online meeting subscription" calls were successful but no online meeting notifications were sent to my notification URL.  The first screenshot below shows the data returned by the successful "create online meeting" call and the second screenshot below shows the data returned by the successful "create online meeting subscription" call.


      Online MeetingOnline meeting subscription

      • Prasad_Das-MSFT's avatar
        Icon for Microsoft rankMicrosoft

        dragon-fly - Did you pass proper endpoint Url in place of notificationUrl value?
        If yes, then please share the request Id and timestamp along with tenant id where you are not getting any notification?
