Forum Discussion

RTerheggen's avatar
Copper Contributor
Mar 16, 2022

Message Extension - Return Adaptive Card from HTML/Razor Page



I am trying to do the following.


1. I configured a message extension that launches my Razor Component Page in a popup window in Teams (see below, this part is working)


2. When the user clicks on a button in my Razor Component Page, I want to A) Close the popup window? B) Respond back to Teams with an Adaptive Card that gets inserted into the message?


Does anybody have an example of how to achieve 2?






private MessagingExtensionActionResponse TaskModuleHTMLPage(ITurnContext<IInvokeActivity> turnContext, MessagingExtensionAction action)
var response = new MessagingExtensionActionResponse()
Task = new TaskModuleContinueResponse()
Value = new TaskModuleTaskInfo()
Height = 700,
Width = 900,
Title = "Task Module HTML Page",
Url = "https://localhost:44357/create/workflow",
return response;








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