Forum Discussion

David Phillips's avatar
David Phillips
Steel Contributor
Apr 01, 2021

How are you keeping Teams Machine-Wide Installer updated?

Now that Message Center # MC245996 is going into effect, users with new-to-them PCs with older install dates of Office are starting to see the update screen with the Teams Upgrade button.  Since Office updates don't appear to keep the Teams Machine-Wide Installer updated, I'm wondering what solution you've come up with to keep the installer up to date. 


The current method of relying on the user to update isn't very enterprise friendly for an organization that typically prohibits software downloads.  Is anyone aware of anything on the roadmap for the Office updater to keep the Teams Machine-Wide Installer updated with a more recent version of Teams?

  • HappyNerd125's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    David Phillips 

    The solution that i came up with is to use a logon script.


    The script utilizes winget to check for teams. Installs if required and upgrades if available.


    I have pulled out all the logging since it contained network information so i would suggest you create some logging to check the scripts behaviour. 


    I run it with a GPO against a Computer OU with a User configuration and loop back applied.


    it has installed and upgraded teams litterally thousands of times and since its introduction we haven't had a single user log a ticket due to teams been out of date.


    Hope it helps


    function Get-WinGet {
        [string[]]$Teams = @(winget list Teams --accept-source-agreements | where-object{$_ -match "Microsoft.teams"})[0]
        [int]$count = @($teams.split(" ") | where-object{$_ -match "[0-9]"}).count
        Return $count
    [string]$testpath = ($env:USERPROFILE + "\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Teams\current\teams.exe")
    if(!(test-path $testpath)){
        #install if teams doesn't exist at all  
        [int]$int = "0"
         while(!(test-path $testpath) `
                -and `
                $int -lt 8){
                    winget install --id "microsoft.teams" --accept-source-agreements
                    #wait 10 seconds to allow settings to upgdate to ensure the winget list command works
                    start-sleep -seconds 20
                if(test-path $testpath){
        #check if upgrade required
        [int]$teams = get-winget
            #update teams if it is out of date.
            if($teams -gt 1){
                winget install --id Microsoft.Teams


      • The1Guy's avatar
        Copper Contributor
        in powersehll in admin mode,
        # install the Teams from the Original Windows Package
        winget install XP8BT8DW290MPQ --accept-package-agreements --accept-source-agreements
        #then check if teams is present
        winget search "Teams"
        then the upper scrpt wil works flawlessy to update it.
  • I have another update. Microsoft Premier support has stated this is "by design", and has asked us to fill out a Design Change Request. I've asked them to check if this change is on the roadmap, and if it is not, I'll be filling this out. If you're a Premier customer, and you want this fixed, I suggest contacting Premier and doing the same.
    • Chjbunch's avatar
      Copper Contributor
      Great updates, the TeamsMsiOverride looks potentially useful (for non-cloud native/non-fully-saas environments and those who have file shares).

      Out of curiosity, did you receive an answer from them about if it's on the roadmap?
      • David Phillips's avatar
        David Phillips
        Steel Contributor
        It does look promising, but we prefer a Microsoft solution vs. a community solution.

        I have not heard anything since I filed the DCR back on 4/30.
  • MrRobot5K's avatar
    Copper Contributor
    I'm wondering this very thing.
    I just ran into an issue with Microsoft Teams not auto-installing for new logins after upgrading Windows 10 1809 to 20H2. I found a post about a registry key having to be re-written post upgrade. I'm curious if having a newer machine-wide installer would have combated this without having to perform registry modifications. Is there anything unique that would cause issues if one were to re-deploy the latest MSI of the machine-wide installer out to machines which were detected with having it already installed? I feel like creating a application for such in ConfigMgr to attempt.
    It's funny, I can't find much on this topic...
