Forum Discussion
Deleting a Team via Graph API
I am using the below API to delete the Team:
This successfully deletes the group, but it does not delete the team. I still see the team in the Microsoft Teams workspace as well as being able to get information about the team via Graph API.
Am I doing anything wrong here? The documentation says "Delete the team and its associated group." at
paulomi07 No, nothing wrong. This is the correct way to delete a Team through the API. Problem here is "timing": Teams and the Teams API (exposed through Graph) runs on its own backend, which caches information from Azure AD. Due to this, changes made on Azure AD side (like deleting the Group) don't translate immediately on the Teams side. It takes some time to become visible there.
By now, your Team should have disappeared from the list. If not, please let me know!
- Ruben ToribioCopper Contributor
YannickReekmans How much time takes to be deleted ? Because depending of team is 1 hour , some times is 3 h , 1 day.
It´s hard to explain to the users this behavior.
Ruben Toribio There isn't a "fixed" timing, we're seeing the same type of delays...
- Gousia_BegumMicrosoft
paulomi07 A group in Microsoft Teams can be deleted whereas a team is archived. Could you please try Archive team and see if that helps?