Forum Discussion
SH1 Error retrieving scheduled meetings when login
Users were able to retrieve their scheduled meetings till recently.
Our environment hub is AAD joined,
Users are on prem for AD and Exchange.
Trying to determine what might have changed for it to stop working
I noticed warnings related to user device registration in the log file
Windows Hello for Business provisioning will not be launched.
Device is AAD joined ( AADJ or DJ++ 😞 Yes
User has logged on with AAD credentials: No
Windows Hello for Business policy is enabled: No
Windows Hello for Business post-logon provisioning is enabled: Yes
Local computer meets Windows hello for business hardware requirements: Yes
User is not connected to the machine via Remote Desktop: Yes
User certificate for on premise auth policy is enabled: No
Machine is governed by none policy.
Cloud trust for on premise auth policy is enabled: No
User account has Cloud TGT: Not Tested
See for more details.
Please could you look into this issue and provide your comments
Experiencing this issue recently not sure what have changed.
Hubs are AAD joined but users retrieve their calendar schedules from on prem exchange
Noticed some users on getting similar issue resolved with an Hub OS upgrade but I don't believe that is the case if I log into the hub with a user id on ExO the retrieval works and hub is on 10.0.19045.3693
It is only the schedule retrieval that is broken, recent files from onedrive works
I have opened a ticket with MS Surface team didn't go anywhere
came across this diagram do you know if the Hub also use the autodiscover process to retrieve schedules from on prem exchange?
Our users using Teams on laptops currently retrieve their schedules and it works