Forum Discussion
John Stoddart
Apr 24, 2017Copper Contributor
Can't Connect Call on Wi-Fi (Google Pixel phone)
I'm having an issue on my (Android version 7.1.2) Google Pixel. If the phone is connected to Wi-Fi, it won't connect the call about 98% of the time. VERY rarely, it will go through as it should. If I...
Matias Areal
Copper Contributor
What about meetings? I can't seem to be able to join audio or video meetings with android.
John Stoddart
Apr 27, 2017Copper Contributor
We haven't really tried meetings on it yet. I figured if the phone aspect didn't work, the meeting stuff wouldn't work either.
- Matias ArealApr 30, 2017Copper Contributor
Sorry Jhon, I was asking Jeff who said he had no problems with android 7.1.2. I can make peer 2 peer calls and IM but cannot join meetings.