Forum Discussion

SharePointUSer2020's avatar
Copper Contributor
Apr 06, 2021

SharePoint Calendar Delete Categories

Hi there, 


I set up a SharePoint calendar as an event list where the events can be filtered by categories. This works well but there are some of my test categories left which I do not need anymore but there are still displayed in the event list. I don't know how to delete them because in the settings there are already deleted and not displayed anymore. 


When I click on category in the settings there are just the categories I need. 



But when I want to filter for the categories there appear some of the test categories I already deleted in the settings.... 



Does anybody knows where the problem is? 


Thank you very much! 


  • ruthmof's avatar
    Copper Contributor
    Greetings, I'm encountering the same issue. I'm hoping the comment will bump this question to the top. Thank you!
