Forum Discussion
Project Professional Issue Durations days not totalling correctly
Duration is not an additive parameter. Duration is the time span from the start of a task to the finish of a task. It is in working days, not calendar days. For a summary line, the duration is from the start of the earliest subtask under the summary to the finish of the latest task under the summary. So the 62.5 days for framing is correct as is the 183 days for roofing.
If you want to capture the total days spent on all tasks for each summary group you will need to use a custom field that adds up all the duration values. We can help you with that.
Something else I noticed on your plan. You have links on summary lines (i.e. entry in the predecessor field). There should never be a predecessors, successors, or resources assigned on summary lines. Summary lines are NOT tasks, they are simply of summary of performance (subtasks) under them.
I also note you have several instances of resource overallocation as denoted by the red person in the Indicators field. That means one or more resources assigned on those tasks is exceeding their Max Unit level for a given time period. For example, a given resource is assigned to two (or more) concurrent or overlapping tasks at greater than 100%. For example, "Mark Floor Frame" is assigned at 100% to task 15 and 16 which are concurrent. Either the resources should be assigned at 50% to each of those tasks, or perhaps it would make more sense to combine those two tasks into a single "Install electrical conduit".
From the limited bit of Gantt display, it looks like task 15 may be split such that the "Mark Floor Frame" resource is also overallocated with the plumbing conduit install (task 17).
I assume the resources "Mark Floor Framing", "Mark Roof", etc. are in fact, you doing those tasks, but if you look at the Resource Sheet, you will see multiple separate "Mark" resources. By doing it that way you have combined a resource name and a resource function which are two separate parameters and will not give a true picture of how overallocated you really are.
Hopefully this clarifies and gives some insight on how Project works.
Thank you for the response. I will play around with this and get back to you. 🙂