Forum Discussion

muhammadsaadfahim's avatar
Copper Contributor
Sep 02, 2022

Project For The Web - Task Grid Issue

Hi All,

I have Project for the web running in my environment. I am already using the project form and have done lots of customization on the project table/entity. Now I want to use Task grid to schedule project tasks. Currently I can see two Project for the web solutions and in my environment solution list. I am facing an issue with the Task grid on the project form. The task grid is not showing properly, it is shrunk, and I can't see or schedule new tasks.


Please help me fix this issue.


One-more thing, Can I access the project task grid through the link?? below sample link i got from MS document? you can find more details about that link in MS Doc Link<lang>/?org=<cdsServer>#/taskgrid?projectId=<id>&type=2


Thanks in advance :smile:

