Forum Discussion
Porcentaje físico o real
Buenas tardes, tengo una consulta y espero me puedan ayudar
Estoy realizando la actualización del %avance completado (programado por las fechas) de un proyecto para compararlo con el porcentaje real o calculado en obra, de manera que pueda actualizar cada uno de ellos y ver las diferencias porcentuales para cada una de las actividades. De esta manera ingreso la columna %Físico completado y coloco porcentajes manuales en los subcapítulos pero no me calcula el valor de cada capítulo. Quisiera saber si lo puedo calcular a través de esta columna, o hay alguna otra columna que pueda ingresar con alguna fórmula y que me permita ingresar los datos y calcular el porcentaje físico tal como lo hace la columna predeterminada de %completado.
Adjunto imagen para mostrar lo que describo
Muchas gracias.
- Jesus_daza,
For reference this is an English language forum so please use English for all future posts.
I translated your question and it sounds like you want to do something with the Physical % Complete field. Also you mention something about comparing with the "real percentages". What exactly are the "real percentages".
The Physical % Complete field is populated by user entry and it does not roll up to summary level simply because Project has no way of "knowing" how subtask physical percent complete values should be summarized at summary level. And like all other built-in Project fields, they can not be customized with a custom field formula, they can only be customized through VBA.
It may be possible to create a custom field for your percent complete metric but you would only be able to roll up an average at summary level but that is NOT how Project calculates the % Complete value at summary level. Project calculates summary level percent complete using this formula:
Summary level percent complete = (sum of all subtask actual durations)/(sum of all subtask durations) x 100%.
You could duplicate this calculation in a custom field but it would require the use of VBA.
- John-projectSilver ContributorJesus_daza,
For reference this is an English language forum so please use English for all future posts.
I translated your question and it sounds like you want to do something with the Physical % Complete field. Also you mention something about comparing with the "real percentages". What exactly are the "real percentages".
The Physical % Complete field is populated by user entry and it does not roll up to summary level simply because Project has no way of "knowing" how subtask physical percent complete values should be summarized at summary level. And like all other built-in Project fields, they can not be customized with a custom field formula, they can only be customized through VBA.
It may be possible to create a custom field for your percent complete metric but you would only be able to roll up an average at summary level but that is NOT how Project calculates the % Complete value at summary level. Project calculates summary level percent complete using this formula:
Summary level percent complete = (sum of all subtask actual durations)/(sum of all subtask durations) x 100%.
You could duplicate this calculation in a custom field but it would require the use of VBA.
John- Jesus_dazaCopper ContributorThank you very much.
- John-projectSilver ContributorJesus_daza,
You're welcome and thanks for the feedback.