Forum Discussion
Apr 26, 2023Copper Contributor
MS Project Online - Providing Viewer Access for those without a License
Hello. My team has MS Project for the Web - Plan 3. We are a PMO. Our PMO Team have licenses, but most of our stakeholders do not. We do want to give them access to our online project plans. We h...
Apr 26, 2023Copper Contributor
Update - I have confirmed that we have permissions mode. I've attached what I see when I look at my options re: Users...
I have read this page to understand how to add Users, but I can't find the navigation in MS Project Online.
This is what my landing page looks like. There is no icon here for adding Users. Any help is appreciated.
This is what my PWA settings page looks like...
And this is my Site Settings page...
Apr 29, 2023
Berto2033 --
Your screenshot of the PWA Settings page reveals that you DO NOT have your system set up in Project Permissions Mode, as your missing the Security section at the bottom of the page. Here is what your Project Online application administrator will need to do (and it MUST be the person who initially created your Project Online instance):
1. On the PWA Settings page, click the Additional Server Settings link in the Operational Policies section on the right side of the page.
2. In the Permission Management section of the Additional Server Settings page, select the Project Permission Mode option.
3. Click the Save button.
After completing these steps, your application administrator will find a new Security section at the bottom of the PWA Settings page. He/she will be able to click the Manage Users link to begin adding users to your Project Online system. He/she should immediately add your other application administrators (you should always have a primary and two backup app admins, by the way) as users in the system and add them to the built-in Administrators group. He should also add the users who will serve as project managers and then add them to the built-in Project Managers group. He should add the users who will be team members to the built-in Team Members group. When creating the users who will be team members, he/she will need to remember to select the "User can be assigned as a resource" checkbox so that they are added to the Enterprise Resource Pool as resources who can be assigned to tasks in enterprise projects.
All of your PWA users will need licenses, including your stakeholders. Regarding your stakeholders, create user accounts for each of them and add them to the built-in Portfolio Viewers group. So, it's pretty obvious that you started down the wrong path with this tool, but it's not too late to correct things and get going with Project Online. Hope this helps.
Your screenshot of the PWA Settings page reveals that you DO NOT have your system set up in Project Permissions Mode, as your missing the Security section at the bottom of the page. Here is what your Project Online application administrator will need to do (and it MUST be the person who initially created your Project Online instance):
1. On the PWA Settings page, click the Additional Server Settings link in the Operational Policies section on the right side of the page.
2. In the Permission Management section of the Additional Server Settings page, select the Project Permission Mode option.
3. Click the Save button.
After completing these steps, your application administrator will find a new Security section at the bottom of the PWA Settings page. He/she will be able to click the Manage Users link to begin adding users to your Project Online system. He/she should immediately add your other application administrators (you should always have a primary and two backup app admins, by the way) as users in the system and add them to the built-in Administrators group. He should also add the users who will serve as project managers and then add them to the built-in Project Managers group. He should add the users who will be team members to the built-in Team Members group. When creating the users who will be team members, he/she will need to remember to select the "User can be assigned as a resource" checkbox so that they are added to the Enterprise Resource Pool as resources who can be assigned to tasks in enterprise projects.
All of your PWA users will need licenses, including your stakeholders. Regarding your stakeholders, create user accounts for each of them and add them to the built-in Portfolio Viewers group. So, it's pretty obvious that you started down the wrong path with this tool, but it's not too late to correct things and get going with Project Online. Hope this helps.
- Berto2033May 01, 2023Copper Contributor
Dale_HowardMVP - Thank you for the information. I have the setting correct now.
Team members have been set up as "User can be assigned as a resource."
I believe I am clear on your comment, "All of your PWA users will need licenses, including your stakeholders."
What I want is to set up people as Guests. Our rationale for purchasing Project Online in part was because it is advertised as allowing non-licensed "Guests" viewing access to project plans.
I've tried to follow the steps in the article to no avail. It seems that I have set up someone as a Guest in Microsoft 365, not Project Online.
- May 02, 2023Berto2033 --
The article refers to setting up guests in the Project for the Web application. What you have set up is your Project Online application whose web-based user interface is known as Project Web App. Yes, I know the names are confusing. You can blame this on Microsoft Marketing.
So, are you planning on using Project Online or Project for the Web? Please confirm which one you want to use as I am confused about your plans.- Berto2033May 05, 2023Copper Contributor
Project Online. I'm basing that on this view...