Forum Discussion

jwalk15's avatar
Copper Contributor
Nov 21, 2023

Integrated Schedule


I want to know if you can have an integrated schedule for 1 program across multiple project files in various groups

  • John-project's avatar
    Silver Contributor
    Answer, "yes".

    Now that I gave you the short answer, perhaps you could expand a bit on a few things so we could help you more.
    1. What version of Project are you using?
    2. What exactly do you mean by "multiple project files in various groups"?
    3. What is your end goal?

    • jwalk15's avatar
      Copper Contributor
      1) I am using Project 2016 (Wish it could be done in Project for web)

      2) I want this integrated schedule for this 1 program (Ex. Phone Display) to be integrated or available to other groups (Ex. Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering etc)
      3) The end goal is to have other groups be able to have access to the integrated schedule of the one program ( Ex. Phone Display)

      Hopefully this makes sense Thanks!
      • John-project's avatar
        Silver Contributor
        Unfortunately Project for the Web has a ways to go before it reaches the capability of the desktop version of Project.

        A dynamic master schedule can be created from individual Project files but there are some limitations. First, it cannot be setup on SharePoint or One Drive. Second, the linking structure of a dynamic master is fragile and prone to corruption if not managed with a lot of discipline. That makes it not really suitable for "casual" use by multiple individuals or groups. It's best to have a single knowledgeable user responsible for the master and it's "curation", so to speak.

        A less fragile approach is via a static master. A static master is a snapshot in time of all the subprojects inserted into it. A static master is not prone to corruption but updates are not automatic (i.e. a static master must be recreated each time an update is desired). A static master would allow full access for all user groups while still allowing each group to separately maintain their own individual Project files.

        Have you considered Project Online which is designed for an enterprise type of deployment?

