Forum Discussion

Anil_kumar_Anakala's avatar
Copper Contributor
Nov 03, 2024

In project online, how to restrict the user from rebaselining with pm permission.

User is in project manager group. 

  • Anil_kumar_Anakala

    Hi Anil,

    To restrict a user in the Project Manager group from setting a baseline in Microsoft Project Online, even though they have PM permissions, you can customize the permissions.

    Solution: Modify Permissions in PWA Settings

    1. Go to PWA Settings in Project Online.
    2. Under Security, select Categories.
    3. Choose the category associated with Project Managers, such as My Projects.
    4. Scroll to Permissions for this Category, and locate the Save Baseline permission.
    5. Uncheck Save Baseline to remove the ability to set baselines for users in this category.

    This change should prevent users in the Project Manager group from rebaselining.

    For more details on permission management, refer to Microsoft’s documentation here: Change permission management in Project Online.


    Note: Project Online has two permission modes – SharePoint Permission Mode and Project Permission Mode. For granular control, such as restricting specific actions like baseline editing, Project Permission Mode is recommended, as it allows for more detailed permission settings. If your instance is using SharePoint Permission Mode, consider switching to Project Permission Mode for better control.


    Let me know if this helps!

    Best regards,
    Wiguna Kurniawan


    • Anil_kumar_Anakala's avatar
      Copper Contributor

      Thank you wiguna_kurniawan 


      When i implemented the same settings in PWA, PM's can't able to do the baseline it works. But when i create a new project, with pm permssion, I can't able to do the baseline.


      Is there any option available for restrciting the rebaseline. And one more thing all the others PM's also not able to create the baseline.



      • Dale_HowardMVP's avatar

        Anil --

        The answer you received from Wiguna, although well intended, it prevents EVERYONE in the Project Managers group from saving a Baseline in their projects.  Therefore, the first thing you will need to do is to reverse the steps proposed by Wiguna, and then test to make sure that everyone can now save a Baseline again.  Only AFTER you have confirmed this behavior, then you will need to do the following:

        1. Leave the user in question in the default Project Managers group, as he/she will still need all of the other default permissions.
        2. Create a new security Group named something Project Managers - No Baseline.
        3. As you are creating this new security Group, in the Users section of the page, add the user in question to ther Selected Users list.
        4. In the Categories section, add ONLY the My Organization category to the Selected Categories list.
          In the Permissions for My Organization data grid, select the Deny permission for the Save Protected Baseline item, which will prevent the user from setting a Baseline in the Baseline 0 - Baseline 5 sets of fields.
        5. In the Global Permissions data grid, select the Deny permission for the Save Unprotected Baseline item, which will prevent the user from setting a Baseline in the Baseline 6 - Baseline 10 sets of fields.
        6. Click the Save button.

        At this point, the user in question is allowed to save a Baseline in every project because of his/her membership in the Project Managers - No Baseline security group, but is DENIED permission to save a Baseline in every project.  In Project Online and Project Server, the Denied status of a permission is the stronger status, and overrides the permission.  This means that the user in question WILL NOT be able to save a Baseline in any project.

        By the way, I think this is the simplest method for denying this user the permission to set a Baseline in any project.  If in the future, the user will now need to set Baselines, you can simply remove the user from the Project Managers - No Baseline group.

        Bonus Tip:  Always control permissions for users through default and/or custom Groups.  DO NOT set individual permissions for users.  This is the KISS method (Keep It Super Simple) for managing security perrmissions in Project Online and Project Server.  Hope this helps.
