Forum Discussion
Direct Link (url) to Task Grid or Task Board of a project in "Project for the Web"
Hello jeetsharma78 ,
You can easily build up the correct URL to create a link to the project board view, timeline view etc. For example, assuming your Project for the web instance URL was:
You could build up the correct URL to the page you want:{page}?projectId={projectGuid}
Where the {page} option would either be:
- taskboard
- tasktimeline
- taskcharts
- peopleboard
I hope that helps
- jeetsharma78Copper Contributor
Paul_Mather Thanks buddy, I'm aware of this, but this will not serve my purpose. I am looking for the URL within the dynamics app (Project for web in our case), which is something like
With Task grid or Task Board link
Hello jeetsharma78 ,
Ok, sorry the post didn't mention the model driven app. I'm not aware of how you could / would do that in the model driven app as the task component is just the Project for web app loaded in an iframe inside the model driven app.