Forum Discussion

jeetsharma78's avatar
Copper Contributor
Jan 19, 2023

Direct Link (url) to Task Grid or Task Board of a project in "Project for the Web"

Direct link (url) to Project Details is possible. However, there's no way to directly point to Task-Grid or Task-Board page of a Project in "Project for the Web".
It would be of great help, for use in Email notifications sent via flows
  • Hello jeetsharma78 ,

    You can easily build up the correct URL to create a link to the project board view, timeline view etc. For example, assuming your Project for the web instance URL was:  

    You could build up the correct URL to the page you want:{page}?projectId={projectGuid}  

    Where the {page} option would either be:

    • taskboard
    • tasktimeline
    • taskcharts
    • peopleboard

    I hope that helps

