Forum Discussion

Brizee's avatar
Copper Contributor
Mar 23, 2021

Changing default work hours for dragging items in Gantt/Team Planner view

Hey all,   I've been racking my brain for days on this one and can't figure it out. I've changed the default work hours in my project to 9:30 -> 18:00.   I've done this: In the Standard Calenda...
  • John-project's avatar
    Mar 23, 2021

    Dale asked me to take a look at this and here is what I found.

    This is an interesting issue. I can drag tasks around all day on the Gantt Chart view and they always pop right onto the correct 9:30 AM start time, but, if I try to drag on the Team Planner view, they always pop to the incorrect 8:00 AM.

    Of course dragging tasks around normally results in a start-no-earlier-than constraint and if you look at the Constraint Date in Team Planner view the constraint date always takes on an 8:00 AM time. In the Team Planner view if you drag a task and then double click to open the Task Information and reset the constraint date time to 9:30 AM, it “sticks”. I had a couple instances that once the constraint date time was “corrected” for one task, that setting translated to other tasks, but not always.

    Not sure it this helps much but at least it's another input.
