Forum Discussion

Kylan Childers's avatar
Kylan Childers
Copper Contributor
Jul 15, 2016

Cannot open project files from synced sharepoint direcory if path + file name over 140 characters

Starting I believe on Tuesday, I have had a couple workstations report that they were no longer able to open .MPP files from sharepoint libraries synced to onedrive for business. It would throw and error stating that either the file was from an old incompatible version of project or that the file path could not be found. After much research and troubleshooting I found that this was hit and miss. I've narrowed down the issue to being that if the file path and name in the synced directory is more than about 140 characters, Project cannot open it. However, if it is below that, it opens fine.


These directories have been synced forever and it is just now an issue, which leads me to believe this is from an office update (both users are on 2016 Pro Plus with first release). Users are on Windows 7 pro and Windows 10 pro.


Any ideas if this will be fixed any time soon?

  • Adrian Adam's avatar
    Adrian Adam
    Copper Contributor

    For Project 2016, the September 6, 2016-Update is also fixing an issue sounding very similar to the description below. Link:


    It's saying:

    "Assume that you create an .mpp file in a SharePoint document library and then synchronize the library to the local computer by using OneDrive, and the file path is longer than 130 characters. In this situation, the .mpp file can’t be opened in Project 2016." 




  • Can you share the exact Project and Office version you now see Kylan - and I can take a look and see if I repro.  Are you on First Release for Deferred Channel, July 12, 2016 Version 1605 (Build 6965.2066)?
    Best regards, and congratulations on being the first post in this group!


    • omi kumari's avatar
      omi kumari
      Brass Contributor
      Hi All,

      I am getting below error when trying to open project professional file from SharePoint library.
      "this action couldn't be performed because office doesn't recognise the command it was given"

      Please suggest
    • Galen's avatar
      Brass Contributor



      I have users experiencing the same behaviour described by Kylan.  I can reproduce the issue as well.  I'm running the following:


      Project Version - 16.0.6925.1028

      Office Version - 16.0.6925.1028


