Forum Discussion

Miles_Goodchild's avatar
Brass Contributor
Apr 19, 2021

Can I only show views, tables etc which are contained in the specific project plan

I have many tables, filters, views etc set up in various project plan files, as I didn't change the default setting these are all copied into my personal global template. I am creating a simple templ...
  • Dale_HowardMVP's avatar
    Apr 19, 2021
    Miles --

    No, there is no way that you can "see" the project the way you see it. Here is what I would do in that case:

    1. Open a new blank project.
    2. Copy all of your custom views, tables, filters, and groups into that blank project.
    3. Save the project with a name such as All Custom Objects.mpp, or something like that.
    4. Using the Organizer tool, delete ALL of your custom views, tables, filters, and groups.

    After following those steps, open the project that you will give to the client. You will now "see" the project the way your client will see it. Hope this helps.
