Forum Discussion
Adding visuals to Project Detail Pages in PWA
I am creating a Project Status Report within a Project Detail Page (Called Monthly Status Report) and I am trying to add visuals to a RAG Status section instead of just seeing the text, red, amber, or green. The fields are custom fields I created that are set to use graphical indicators. The graphical indicators work fine in the Project Center, but can't seem to figure out how to get visuals in a Project Details Page. Is there a specific webpart I can use instead of the Basic Info webpart?
I've attached a screenshot of what I currently have.
Thank you.
Hello John Passaro ,
The graphical indicators render in the Project Center grid, unfortunately they don't render in the PDP's as you have seen.
- John PassaroCopper ContributorThank you, Paul. Outside of using the PDP's for Project-specific Status Reports, can you suggest a better mechanism where I can leverage visuals (besides Power BI; I'm not well versed in it and the tables/fields needed)?
Hello John Passaro ,
Stick with Power BI if you can - have you tried starting with the report template from Microsoft? Details here: