Forum Discussion

rcottonaro43's avatar
Copper Contributor
May 07, 2022

Activity Strikethrough

When I opened up my projects, the activities have strikethroughs, even the ones starting and ending past today's date.  I have never used the project status / calculate function nor will it let me correct the problem.


Any suggestions?


Thank you,


  • rcottonaro43,
    It appears your tasks have been inactivated. You can correct the issue in one of two ways.
    1. Add the Active field to the view. It likely says "no"
    2. Change the Active field for the first task to "yes"
    3. Do a fill down on the Active field
    4. Select all tasks
    5. Go to Task > Schedule group and toggle the Inactive icon

    Hope this helps.
  • John-project's avatar
    Silver Contributor
    It appears your tasks have been inactivated. You can correct the issue in one of two ways.
    1. Add the Active field to the view. It likely says "no"
    2. Change the Active field for the first task to "yes"
    3. Do a fill down on the Active field
    4. Select all tasks
    5. Go to Task > Schedule group and toggle the Inactive icon

    Hope this helps.
