Forum Discussion

Billy1992's avatar
Copper Contributor
Oct 27, 2023

Sharepoint List and Power Apps (HelpDesk App)

Hi all,


I'm brand new to this. I just got up and running a ticketing system for my organization and had a few questions, but I'm a tech newb, so bare with me please.


I used this article to set up the app, then edited the UI and some of the list choices, but I had a few questions that I was hoping someone could help me out with.


EDIT: Answered below. Thanks RyanSteele-CoV! I would like to set up Power Automate so anytime a ticket is generated, I get alerted. Right now using this app I essentially copy/pasted, the power automate is set to ONLY notify me when the assignedTo and status are set (both of which require my input in the app as I'm the only admin). I tried to add a "when an item is created or modified" trigger but I don't know exactly how to set that up in the flow, I figured it would be following the "get items" action, but no luck there.


Also is there a way to reduce the "assigned to" list from all users down to just a handful of users? I see the assignedto settings under settings > edit column in Sharepoint, but it doesn't seem to have what I'm looking for. I made a sharepoint group with two people in it and while I could set it to only assign to those two people, it wouldn't populate a suggested users list at all, it would only let you search and required at least 3 letters of the user before it would populate, which is a bit useless if your organization doesn't know who can help them.


Last question: I set all of my list settings to "Require that this column contains information: No" but when creating a ticket, everything has a * and it won't allow users to create a ticket unless all of the information is supplied. Anyone know how to change this so non-required fields are allowed to stay empty? I'm guessing it's on the power apps side of things in the code but I'm pretty technologically challenged.


Thank you all!

  • Billy1992 wrote:

    I tried to add a "when an item is created or modified" trigger but I don't know exactly how to set that up in the flow, I figured it would be following the "get items" action, but no luck there.

    You can create a separate flow to do this part. In Power Automate, click Create, then select Automated cloud flow. Name your flow, then under Choose your flow's trigger, select the When an item is created or modified SharePoint trigger. 


  • Billy1992 wrote:

    I tried to add a "when an item is created or modified" trigger but I don't know exactly how to set that up in the flow, I figured it would be following the "get items" action, but no luck there.

    You can create a separate flow to do this part. In Power Automate, click Create, then select Automated cloud flow. Name your flow, then under Choose your flow's trigger, select the When an item is created or modified SharePoint trigger. 


    • Billy1992's avatar
      Copper Contributor
      Thank you so much! Been struggling with this one all morning.
