Forum Discussion
Mar 04, 2023Copper Contributor
Setting Multiple Item Level Permissions /Dynamically choosing different Sharepoint Lists - PowerApps
Dear all - I really hope someone may be able to help me.
I have a list of values (>80,000) in a Sharepoint lsit and each value relates to a city (100 cities total).
How can I quickly given access for 100(ish) users to only view / edit the values based on their city?
If that's not possible...and it would make more sense to split the list into different cities then...
I want users (based on their location) to be able to use a PowerApp to update values relating to their city. I have a dropdown menu where users select their City but I can't then figure out a way of patching back to different lists based on the dropdown selection. i.e. if user selects Brisbane, then patch back to Brisbane list.
Any suggestions very much welcomed!
- So it might be easier to you to split this to several lists, as querying large list and filtering large list isn't the PoweAapps. Limit is about 2000 items and then you need to start looping through etc.
So the easiest way might be to load the list using the Data from their AD or that user chooses data source to load when selecting the dropdown.- KatieRoxanneCopper ContributorOh wow - I had no idea about this limit. This has certainly made me rethink the way I structure my data. Thanks for the reply.
- No worries!
My approch would be that I would load data source based on users location from the AD. So onstart or onclick on the start page , it would load everything for brisbane or whole of Aussie land for example