Oskar Kuus
Mar 20, 2019Iron Contributor
Set sharepoint datasource textbox value with button?
I have a screen with a form based on a Sharepoint list datasource.
I have one column in my sharepoint list that is a text(string).
Tho i do not want to have the user manually edit this specific column.
I want to add two buttons.
If user press button 1 the value of the column textbox is set to YES and if user press button 2 the value is set to NO
Another option that i could accept as a solution is to somehow change the textbox in the form in powerapps to a dropdown so that the user can pick between two values.
Or use a toggle control to swich between yes and no.
But my problem is that i need the column in my sharepoint list to be a Text column and not an "option" or "yes/no" column.
Anyone able to help?