Forum Discussion

null null's avatar
null null
Iron Contributor
Nov 07, 2017

send email to a specific users as soon as for a given item created/modified the status is Done.

I have created a list with title and choice column called status with values(inProgress, Done, OnHold)   I want to send email to a specific users as soon as for a given item created/modified the st...
  • John Aage Andersen's avatar
    John Aage Andersen
    Nov 09, 2017

    Please provide more details on exactly what you have done :) This will allow us to better understand and help/advice.



    1. In Flow portal, chose Create from blank;

    2. Chose Search hundreds of connectors and triggers;

    3. When the connectors and triggers are shown, chose SharePoint;

    4. When the SharePoint triggers are shown, chose SharePoint - When an item is created or modified;

    5. In the flow step: When an item is created or modified - entered the site address, chose or entered the list name;

    6. Chose New Step: Add a condition;

    7. In the Condition, set the first Choose a value field to ...???...;

    8. In the Condition, set the last Choose a value field to ...???...;

    9. In the If yes branch ....

    and so on.



