Forum Discussion

Cyril06's avatar
Copper Contributor
Apr 10, 2022

Same PowerApp for two different lists what is the best way ?

Hello I made an app for the south SAV (after sales service) department of my company.

It works fine thanks to the differents forums !!!

They ask me to enlarge this to the north SAV ....


Solution 1: I make a single list with a column location and filter it in the same PowerApp?

If I do this I think that the list will be really large: 800 rows/year/department so after one year over 1600 rows on the sharepoint list


Solution 2: I make two lists one for the south and an other for the north and I make a choice in the same PowerApp with variables ? this is what I tried so far but I have trouble to do differents actions when the sources are variable instead of having the real list name.


What do ou think ?

To add little details the app works with 4 sharepoints lists 2 with 40 columns and they wil grow 800 rows by year, and the tow other lists will not exceed 200 rows, one with 10 columns and the last with 4 columns.


THank you for reading and wish you a good day.





  • Hi Cyril06, I'm not familiar with Reza's solution but he's an excellent source for all things Power Platform. I use large SharePoint lists in a range of Flows and PowerApps, using filers to create manageable collections. Delegation of functions can throw up some interesting challenges in PowerApps and similarly the need for pagination in Flows to avoid result throttling. Reza Dorrani is a fantastic resource, and I refer to his content regularly.
  • jonlake's avatar
    Iron Contributor

    Hi Cyril06, it's a little tricky to recommend an approach without more detail but if you are needing the list reference in a formula/expression to be dynamic you can set a list name variable based on user selection, then use that variable in your formulas/expressions (presumably to create/filter collections).

    Cheers, Jon

    • Cyril06's avatar
      Copper Contributor

      Hello jonlake  and thank you for your post.

      In fact my question was how is the better way to manage large sharepoints lists for powerapps.


      I think I found something with the "solutions" in powerapps found in Reza Dorrani blog.


      Do you know this ?

      • jonlake's avatar
        Iron Contributor
        Hi Cyril06, I'm not familiar with Reza's solution but he's an excellent source for all things Power Platform. I use large SharePoint lists in a range of Flows and PowerApps, using filers to create manageable collections. Delegation of functions can throw up some interesting challenges in PowerApps and similarly the need for pagination in Flows to avoid result throttling. Reza Dorrani is a fantastic resource, and I refer to his content regularly.
