Forum Discussion
Jan 22, 2019Iron Contributor
Pass collection from flow to powerapp collection - Data comes from sharepoint search api
I am looking forward to create a powerapp that will show data based on content type like all company wide annoucement or events
1. I have created a flow for this
I tried many ways returning the collection to powerapps, but it does not work
- Michal GuzowskiBrass Contributor
Respond to PowerApps block does not allow for passing arrays. The best way is to return string and parse it in PowerApps. Check below snapshots of my config:
Flow config:
In above the crucial part is the JSON scheme. You need to edit it a bit so it accept optional null value in fields. I paste my scheme below (i've bolded mentioned crucial part):
{"type": "object","properties": {"odata.metadata": {"type": "string"},"ElapsedTime": {"type": "integer"},"PrimaryQueryResult": {"type": "object","properties": {"CustomResults": {"type": "array"},"QueryId": {"type": "string"},"QueryRuleId": {"type": "string"},"RefinementResults": {},"RelevantResults": {"type": "object","properties": {"GroupTemplateId": {},"ItemTemplateId": {},"Properties": {"type": "array","items": {"type": "object","properties": {"Key": {"type": "string"},"Value": {"type": "string"},"ValueType": {"type": "string"}},"required": ["Key","Value","ValueType"]}},"ResultTitle": {},"ResultTitleUrl": {},"RowCount": {"type": "integer"},"Table": {"type": "object","properties": {"Rows": {"type": "array","items": {"type": "object","properties": {"Cells": {"type": "array","items": {"type": "object","properties": {"Key": {"type": "string"},"Value": {"type": ["null","string"]},"ValueType": {"type": ["null","string"]}},"required": ["Key","Value","ValueType"]}}},"required": ["Cells"]}}}},"TotalRows": {"type": "integer"},"TotalRowsIncludingDuplicates": {"type": "integer"}}},"SpecialTermResults": {}}},"Properties": {"type": "array","items": {"type": "object","properties": {"Key": {"type": "string"},"Value": {"type": "string"},"ValueType": {"type": "string"}},"required": ["Key","Value","ValueType"]}},"SecondaryQueryResults": {"type": "array"},"SpellingSuggestion": {"type": "string"},"TriggeredRules": {"type": "array"}}}Once successfully receive results in PowerApps you need to parse it so your gallery could display it. PowerApps config in my case looks like below:
And here are the result:
- NewBee117Copper Contributor
Michal Guzowski How about data from stored procedures? Parse JSON won't take the formula body('rev UnitIDValidation p').ResultSets.Table1. Thanks.